Battling Burn out at Sea
Job burn out is a state of physical or emotional exhaustion as a result of prolonged stress and frustration leading to feelings of depression or stress. Challenging factors that contribute to job burn out include unsupported work environments, feeling isolated at work, task monotony, unclear job requirements , role ambiguity , intense work loads , negative social relationships and negative organizational culture & poor leadership.
Every job carries varying degrees of stress and frustration, but seafaring can be overwhelming and challenging by complexities intrinsic to the profession that include long separation periods away from family and friends , deep sea voyages, rough weather conditions, multicultural working environment, limited recreational opportunities , all of which can add to the onset of burnout.
Burnout is characterized by signs and symptoms that exist along a continuum and the difference between burnout and stress is a matter of degree and individual characteristics. Recognizing the red flags of burnout can allow you to address the issue early on and prevent further mental or physical decline.
Red Flags
Some signs to look out for:
Chronic fatigue: feeling tired or feeling depleted of energy most days
Insomnia : trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Impaired concentration and attention: Inability to focus, forgetfulness or being present on the job
Loss of appetite : skipping meals
Anxiety : mild tension, worry
Depression: mild sadness and sense of hopelessness or worthlessness
Anger: the perpetual presence of interpersonal tension and irritability which may progress to angry outburst and serious arguments
Isolation ; turning down invitations to spend time with colleagues or feeling disconnected from others
Self disappointment: engaging in negative self talk , not taking pride in your work or feeling demoralized and defeated
Activities to protect against burnout
Be an active agent of change by making healthy choices
Spend time outdoors, walk around the ship, breathe fresh air,
Sleep properly
Follow a healthy diet
Drink water
Reduce smoking and drinking
Do something enjoyable every day : read book, meditate, play games,
Find meaning and purpose in your life – spirituality can buffer against stress
Socialize and interact with others onboard – create a supportive social network
Think positive and reframe negative thoughts into positive thoughts
Learn ways to cope with the demands of the job by implementing strategies to complete tasks
Learn to express and articulate your concerns, issues and worries
Set Healthy Personal , Social and Work Boundaries