
Jun 19, 2023
The Power of Perspective: How Seafarers Can Use Mindset Shifts to Combat Stress
As seafarers, you are often faced with long periods of isolation, uncertainty, and stressful situations. These challenges can take a toll...

May 22, 2023
Prioritizing Mental Health: Navigating the Challenges Faced by Seafarers during Mental Health Month
As we celebrate Mental Health Month, it is essential to recognize the mental health challenges that seafarers face. Seafaring is a highly...

Apr 19, 2023
Empowering the Self: Understanding the Benefits of a Positive Self-Image
The concept of self-esteem has been around for centuries and has been studied by psychologists, sociologists, and other experts across...

Mar 17, 2023
Celebrating World Happiness Day!
World Happiness Day is celebrated annually on March 20th, and its aim is to raise awareness and encourage actions that support well-being...

Feb 13, 2023
Valentine’s Day: the day we celebrate love!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today we celebrate love, in the name of Saint Valentine. We all consider February to be the month of love because...

Dec 20, 2022
Our Warmest Wishes for the Holidays
Wishes for a Bright Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! The holidays are a time where we all wish to spend joyful moments with our...

Nov 15, 2022
Communication and Conflict in the Modern Workplace
Communication is an inevitable aspect of human interactions and the basis of all interpersonal relationships. Communication is purposive...

Oct 10, 2022
World Mental Health Day 2022
It is World Mental Health Day! This day is an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to protect and improve mental health. This year’s...

Aug 2, 2022
Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Diversity is a key factor of the modern shipping environment that creates both opportunities for growth and innovation but also potential...